wake up feeling good, good sleep. Breakfast of Europeans lol...1 orange juice, 2 coffees, and toast with honey. No wonder these people are so skinny...
After i go to the reception desk and buy my city tour bus ticket, I start to walk the direction of where he, the reception guy said was a couple blocks. Not before he chases me down. He put 3 persons instead of 1. So I patiently waited, 10 minuted later he brings me the right ticket. So i continue. Its cloudy outside so i picked the right day to complete this joueney. I'm still walking...he lied. A couple blocks my ass, it was more like a mile. I didn't care about this distance but im looking for this stop and oh and i stubbed my toe...So now I'm bleeding like crazy. I start to laugh. Found it! Me and 2 itailians. Funniest part they are juat sitting there...no green headphones coming from their ears...ummmm dudes you're on a bus to tour the city... smh..italians!!!!
Green, blue, red lines..."get on the bus lady"..in their accent. I've been on and off buses for 4.5 hours now. Can you imagine what you'd miss by foot.?yikes.
The weather has cleared so I'm going to change and head to the beach.
Beach was great.fell asleep in the sand. Tiny speedos, tits out..everyone is just soaking up the sun. Sat on the rocks for a bit. Will get some rest..I am getting up at 2 am catch my carpool then France I go...