The world is in a major shift, what we know .. as we know it, is fading away. The idea in our minds, school, college, job, will soon be gone.
"How things should be" doesn't mean that is the way that it is. We as a whole need to start thinking for ourselves, making money for ourselves, and standing up for ourselves! Start looking at the world in a different View. Ahhhh "Corporate America" is phasing itself out. Business are trying to move yoi toeard that slowly...get ahead of tbe curve! Open your eyes to cahnge! For god sakes we have cars that can drive themselves now, Andrew Bird is starting to utilize that function. You may think it's cool but they're actually warning you that the world is taking on a major change. Any movie that was futuristic these things are already very possible to do. Beyond the government...they are just putting the idea in your mind so time by time if you will not be completely shocked and resist it but accept it. If you cannot think for yourself, find ways to make money independently then you're the one that's going to be left behind. We are conditioned as children to always do with somebody else tells us to do, our parents, teachers, elders, bosses and then we go through a life with no meaning working a job that does not have any concerns about you. Wake up and realize we are a different country now.