Those words just bring you back to happiness. Good for me all year is summer time, for the most part. I finally was able to get the 2 weeks vacation that I wanted. So I’m going to Greece! Ugh…I can’t wait to dive into the sea and enrich myself in the culture and food. See my friends and live in pure happiness, even the though brings me to pure joy. Of course 2 weeks is short but it is something to hold me over while I work on building my coaching business and some other ventures that I am embarking on. One thing is for sure, working for someone else doesn’t work for me, unless of course I get my very important vacation time.
Why is it that American companies do not allow people to take any vacation time? It’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of. You work the first year and if you make it we will award you 1 entire week off? What the hell is that? There is a reason why Europeans and other countries are so happy, they get a whole month! Think of how much happier people would be if they were able to be allotted more vacation time, less exhausted, and absolutely less distracted at work to get the job completed!
Since I’m on the subject of corporate America, the hours need to change. 8 hour working days unless it’s a specialty, I get that but let me explain why. Say you start at 7am like I use to, up at 4:45am to go to the gym and 5am if not, get ready drive and get to work at 7am. From 7am to 9am I use to get all my work accomplished that was pending, however MaryJo and Roxanne and crew would stroll in at 8/8:30am get there coffee, talk about their night, family, etc walk around the office gossiping and then do 30 min of work and go to lunch. Come back from lunch surf the web for another hour and do another 2 hours of work before going home! That is hardly efficient! Change it to 4-5 hour days, stagger in times for people, NO lunch, no break and people will come in and work harder, faster and better with in that short amount of time because you have less distractions and time to waste. I mean other option is save yourself the overhead and let people work from home. Set salary with a deadline.
Let’s get back to summer time, there are so many little trips I want to take in the US to visit friends but it’s become so expensive to travel from state to state last minute it’s holding me up. My thrust to see the world is and travel is an addiction. That is why I have held off on having a baby for so very long…
Day trip to the Island of Delphi, Greece
Day in Dephi
Unbelievable experience